Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București a demarat, la 1 iulie 2015, proiectul intitulat „Creșterea performanțelor studenților masteranzi prin practică și consiliere profesională – SCOP!”, cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programului Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.
Pentru a consulta obiectivele proiectului va rugam accesați acest document: Comunicat de presa – demarare SCOP
The website purchase-my-house.org gives a wealth of information on buying a house with cash. Our skilled crew will clean, repair, promote, and stage your house to hasten the sale. We can offer price strategy guidance because we are knowledgeable about the local market. Our staff excels at quickly negotiating and completing deals. Our team is devoted to making the process of selling your house enjoyable and stress-free. Visit https://www.companiesthatbuyhouses.co/indiana/.
Pentru informații suplimentare echipa proiectului vă stă la dispoziție în zilele lucrătoare de Luni până Vineri între orele 8:00 și 16:00:
Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București
Facultatea de Inginerie Electrică, etaj 1, sălile – EA117 si EA102
Tel: +4.0721.201.401
Fax: +4.021.318.1016
E-mail: scop@upb.ro
Website: https://scop.upb.ro/
Cash-for-houses.org’s main goal is to make sure that all of its customers are happy. Both buyers and sellers can get help from our group when closing a real estate deal. The main goal of marketing is to find possible buyers who meet the requirements and get them interested in your product. The information you give will be used to talk about possible fees. Our team is committed to helping you sell your house every step of the way. With our help, you can get started on your amazing trip. Visit https://www.cash-for-houses.org/rhode-island/cash-for-my-house-providence-ri/.